Hi there! I’m Caroline, mama to Grace, and together we make up Everyday a Little Grace! I design PLAY based early learning resources and Grace gets to have all the fun testing out each item I create in our home. Here’s our story…

Check out our Etsy Shop for PLAY based learning resources for toddlers, tots, & beyond. We offer a variety of themed activity packs, card sets, behavior management tools, and more for little ones (and adults too) eager to learn about the world around them. All of our items are tested and used in our own home, and are designed to be easily assembled and used with minimal supplies.

The Blog is where our story began. Long before we began creating our own PLAY based early learning resources, we started a blog detailing our journey through totschooling with plenty of various preschool themes, crafts and activities, nature explorations, book and media recomendations, supply lists, product and FREE resource testing, and much more. It was this Mama’s way of journaling through those precious early years. There’s plenty of inspiration to take a look through!

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